At PCS, our programs are:

PC students are expected to graduate from high school and pursue higher education. The college enrollment rate for our graduates is consistently above 90% – and many years, is close to 100%. From preschool through high school graduation, PC students are prepared for the next step.
Teaching, learning, and assessments all focus on accepted educational standards of what students are expected to know and be able to do at specified grade levels. Standards adopted by Portland Christian Schools meet or exceed the minimum standards of the state of Oregon.
Anchored in a biblical world view
Every effort is made to teach each subject area from a biblical perspective. Our educational programs and methods of instruction are dependent on biblical truth and principles. In an attempt to develop truly educated students with a solid biblical worldview and critical thinking skills, our students are exposed to a variety of viewpoints within each academic discipline.
Empowered by exceptional faculty
The PCS faculty is composed of credentialed, experienced, well-educated, and caring individuals. Portland Christian teachers are motivated to help students grow in knowledge and truth. As part of the hiring process, our teachers affirm their faith and demonstrate it by modeling Christian values and guiding students in their spiritual growth.