You remember the feeling of being in between —when you’re no longer a little kid, but you aren’t yet ready for the independence of an older teen. Middle school can seem like a strange time.
But it doesn’t have to be.
At Portland Christian Schools, your middle schooler will be welcomed by other students and by teachers who care. We spend a great deal of time helping students of all ages improve their relationship with Christ and develop their social-emotional skills. Our commitment to fostering both academic excellence and spiritual growth shows in our healthy school culture.
Because of that culture, your child will be able to concentrate on their studies, gradually become more independent, and begin to discover who God designed them to be.
Doesn’t that sound like a great middle school experience?
Ready to learn more about our Christian middle school?
We’re happy to answer any of your questions and tell you how Portland Christian Middle School can offer the right education and environment for your family.