Do you feel like your teen would benefit from more quality academics, athletics, and extracurriculars—and opportunities for spiritual growth?
Have you tried other schools—even waited it out to see if things would change—but you’re not finding what you need?
The Sherman family, and so many others, have found peace and purpose here at Portland Christian Schools. Their oldest, Kai, started attending PCHS as a freshman.
“He came so alive that first year in school, and he would come home every day and just sit around the dinner table talking about school, and about God and science, and God and math. And he was just incredibly excited about school.”
So excited, in fact, that he offered to find a job to help his parents with tuition and encouraged his younger sister to join him.
Ready to see how your family can thrive at PCHS, too?
Start the Conversation
Learn how Portland Christian High School can offer your teen a college-prep education and enriching extracurriculars.

Outstanding Facilities

*PCS offers six AP/dual credit math courses ranging from college algebra to Calculus III — and has some of the best AP calculus scores in the state (80% passed with a score of 4 or 5 compared to 40% in the state).
A Culture Focused on Christ
To promote students’ spiritual growth we offer a Student Spiritual Life Team, small groups, student-led chapels, mentor-teachers, and a Biblically integrated curriculum.

All of those work together to help our students transform and grow in:
Students at PCS will be community-minded believers whose actions and interactions prove that they strive to be responsible, ethical, productive, and informed citizens.
Students at PCS will be spiritual believers whose faith causes them to understand and enter into a personal relationship with Christ.
Students at PCS will be scholarly believers whose discipline leads them to research, analyze, and apply information from a Biblical worldview.
Students at PCS will be active believers who responsibly protect and nourish their bodies as God’s temple.