Cultural Week Recap

Last week, PCS middle and high school students participated in Cultural Week, an event designed to highlight and appreciate different cultures from around the world. The goal was to promote inclusivity and encourage students to engage with the diverse backgrounds represented in our school community.

Each morning, students started the day with a reading of Acts 10:34-35 in English and another language corresponding to the region being highlighted. The languages included Spanish, Vietnamese, German, Amharic, and Hindi. The verse emphasizes that God welcomes people from all nations:

“Then Peter began to speak: ‘I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right.’”

Dean Trisha Fisher, who organized the event, created with art teacher Evy McLean, a display of artifacts from PCS families representing Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Syria, Israel, India, Mexico, Nigeria, and Australia. These items were placed in the school lobby display case.

National Honor Society student members assisted with daily setup and helped distribute snacks related to the region of the day. During lunch, students could take photos at a booth, listen to traditional music, watch informational slideshows, and sample food from the featured cultures.

The culture/regions highlighted throughout the week were: The Americas; Asia & Pacific Islands; Europe, Antarctica & Australia; Africa; and India & the Middle East.

Cultural Week provided students with an opportunity to learn more about different cultures and traditions, reinforcing PCS’s commitment to inclusivity and global awareness.