Three Honor Societies Recognize and Induct New Members
PCS recognizes 23 students and celebrates their excellence in various achievements.
May 2, 2024
The National Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta (MAO) and National Art Honor Society conducted their induction ceremony on April 24, 2024. For all these students, it was a culmination of all their academic achievements throughout their high school careers.
National Honor Society
To be a member of the National Honor Society (NHS), students must be a sophomore, junior, or senior. Students shall have been in attendance at PCS for at least one semester and attained an accumulative GPA of at least 3.50, over a minimum period of two semesters.
To the current membership of 25, 12 students were inducted to NHS.
Interim advisor for the last several years, Mrs. Deleana Coyle-Ray began the evening by recognizing the PCS Dean Mrs. Trisha Fisher as the new advisor. “We will begin tonight to formally recognize those students who have been selected by the faculty of our school for successfully completing their candidacy and are being inducted as new members of Portland Christian’s National Honor Society chapter. For current members and those former members who may be among our guests, we hope this will serve to remind you of the standards of excellence you too are charged with maintaining as members of the nation’s oldest, largest, and most prestigious student recognition program. These students not only pledge to uphold the four NHS pillars, but will do so in a way that honors God and Portland Christian’s mission to serve God as His hands and feet.”
Hannah Griffith began the ceremony with prayer before NHS President, Olivia Holmstedt who led the rest of the NHS ceremony. “Many of our current members, and these inductees, participate in a variety of sports, performing arts, and other community activities where they are stewards while maintaining academic excellence. In the fall, NHS supported this year’s Cultural Week, led by Mrs. Fisher, and this spring, we are proud to invite the Red Cross Blood Drive back to Portland Christian on May 9th. Last year, we met the 18-unit goal for the blood drive, and this year we have increased to a 22-unit goal. This evening, we welcome these new members who bring new energy in support of our continuing work as NHS members. It is at this time that we proclaim to all in attendance that membership in the Portland Christian chapter of the National Honor Society has been recognized in these candidates through their effective demonstration of the four qualities that serve as standards for the Honor Society: Scholarship, Service, Leadership, and Character. Current members of this chapter will now review these qualities for the candidates, and for you, our distinguished guests.” The evening continued with the character quality and candle lighting before the new members’ induction.
2023-2024 Officers
President: Olivia Holmstedt
Vice President: Sarai Llontop
Treasurer: Hope Barber
Secretary: Isabella Orfield
Service Hour Historian: Phuong Nguyen
Chair of Events: Corbin Hughes
Susan Asaya
Nicolas Antonov
Alyssa Baird
Hope Barber
Kajsa Brown
Minsung (Justin) Cho
Alexandre Do
Ann-Christine Do
Hannah Griffith
Ian Hoffert
Olivia Holmstedt
Paige Hruby-Kolias
Corbin Hughes
Addison Keegan
Yinhan Kwong
Zewdi Lampi
Sarai Llontop
William Loffink
Jack Mazurowski
Phuong Nguyen
Isabella Orfield
Noah Shin
Melody Singleterry
Landon Sophanodora
Sanjae Sy

Graham Calhoun
Olive Clapp
Noah Humphrey
Finley Marine
Ethan Larner
Paulina Nguyen
Anh (Sue) Nguyen
Kyra Schleining
Coleson Schroder
Kai Sherman
Nehemiah Vice
Sarah Zallee
The MAO National Mathematics Honor Society
The MAO National Mathematics Honor Society is “dedicated to inspiring a keen interest in mathematics, developing strong scholarship in the subject, and promoting the enjoyment of mathematics in … students.” (
Requirements for induction include being in at least 10th grade, completed Algebra 2 or its equivalent, completed at least one high school math course as a high school student at Portland Christian Schools, maintain an overall grade point average of at least 3.5 and maintain an unweighted mathematics grade point average of at least 3.5. MAO members are required to complete 20 service hours, ten of which must be fulfilled by tutoring other students.
Mrs. Joeal Mazurowski, advisor, reminded the students that, “At Portland Christian, we understand mathematics to be an entity which has always existed in the mind of God; it is the universal expression of His creative and sustaining Word of power. One reason we study math is to behold the glory of God that is reflected in math.”
Mr. Andrew Jannsen, Mathematics Department Chair as well as student officer Justin Cho, spoke towards the meaning, historical and future significance of the study, research and development of math.
Minsung (Justin) Cho – 2023-2024 Officer
Ian Hoffert
Paige Hruby-Kolias
Corbin Hughes
Jack Mazurowski
Noah Shin

Hannah Griffith
William Loffink
Anh (Sue) Nguyen
Nhi Nguyen
Coleson Schroder
Melody Singleterry
Landon Sophanodora
Mai Vu
Sarah Zallee
National Art Honor Society
National Art Honor Society (NAHS) of Portland Christian recognizes students who demonstrate outstanding ability in four areas: visual art scholarship, leadership, service and arts promotion and, character.
NAHS members are expected to attend every meeting, and members are to uphold a positive attitude during these occasions and contribute willingly. NAHS members are also required to complete a minimum of 10 hours of advisor-approved community service in the arts over the course of the school year. Maintaining a GPA of 3.50 or better in visual art classes and a cumulative GPA of 2.0 is also required from any NAHS member.
NAHS members are committed to:
Art Scholarship: Learning and growing as a visual artist.
Leadership: A wholesome influence exerted on the school and community.
Service and Arts Promotion: A willingness to work for the benefit of those in need, without monetary compensation of recognition.
Character: The force within each individual that distinguishes that person from others. By demonstrating such qualities as respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, kindness, honesty, and citizenship, we hope to prove by example that we value a Christ-like character.
President Olivia Wiggins introduced the society, then advisor, Mrs. Evy McLean welcomed new members. Each inductee received a tulip and the NAHS pin. Prior to the oath, the community was treated to a slideshow of NAHS service projects for the year 2023-24 which included face painting at homecoming, hosting the ISP Christmas party, designing and painting the drama department’s musical set and a mural painting outside the gym.
2023-2024 Officers
President: Olivia Wiggins
Vice President: Phuong Nguyen
Secretary: Anh (Sue) Nguyen
Treasurer: Mai Vu
Parliamentarian: Minsung (Justin) Cho
Historian: Quyen Le
Minsung (Justin) Cho
Anh (Sue) Nguyen
Phuong Nguyen
Mai Vu

Reese Hertner
Anh Lu
Quyen Le
Ava Lowe
Nhi Nguyen
Olivia Wiggins
PCS is proud of these students who have worked hard to achieve membership in these honor societies!