2025-2026 Middle & High School Scholarships
Merit Scholarship for Service, Leadership, and Academics
(6th – 12th grade)
This scholarship is open to domestic middle and high school students. Use this application for students who will be entering 6th through 12th grades in the fall of 2025.
Application Deadline
- The completed online application form must be received no later than 4:00 pm on Wednesday, April 2, 2025.
- Your application will not be considered unless all required documents are received by the deadline.
- Email the PCS Business Office with any questions you may have about this application.
How To Apply
- Read the Portland Christian Schools Scholarship Parameters.
- Submit an online application (find the form below these instructions, at the bottom of this page).
- Your scholarship application requires the following 3 documents in addition to filling out the form below.
- Student Essay (see detailed information below)
- Personal Reference from an individual such as a Sunday School teacher or an adult friend (NOT a parent).
- Use this Reference Request form. Your reference should send their document directly to PCS.
- Do NOT ask a PCS teacher or staff member for a reference.
- Academic & Behavior Report from a school administrator (NOT a teacher).
- This Academic & Behavior Report form is to be filled out and sent to the Scholarship Committee at the PCS Business Office.
- New students to PCS, your enrollment application for 2025-26 already includes this information. You do not need to request and submit this form.
Student Essay
The student is to write an essay addressing the eight numbered questions below. There is no expectation of a minimum or maximum length for the essay. The student will upload the essay (PDF or doc format) as part of the application form. Do NOT include your name or other personally identifying information in your essay. Your application and essay will be assigned a number and will be separated from personally identifying information before being forwarded to the selection committee.
- Explain why you would like to attend (or continue attending) Portland Christian Schools.
- Describe yourself as you would in a letter, to someone who has never met you.
- List two of your strengths, and give an example of how you’ve used these strengths to help others.
- Explain something you have personally achieved that makes you feel good about yourself.
- Describe a personal challenge you have faced and how you dealt with it.
- Outside the classroom, what activities have you been involved in? This can include sports/arts/ministry/community service, etc.
- This scholarship will help your family financially. What other impact will this scholarship have on you personally?
- Our school’s middle name is “Christian.” How do you honor this name?